DBQ Scoring Rubric

DBQ Scoring Rubric
All aspects of the Task is answered thoroughly by addressing
Supporting background information.
Most aspects of the task using all documents.  Some examples of relevant background information.Answers some aspects of the task using some of the documents.  Brings in little supporting background information.Few aspects of the task were addressed using a few documents.  Brings in little to no, supporting background information.Does not use the documents to complete any aspects of the task.  Does not use any relevant background information.
Develops Ideas fully using
Supporting background information giving examples, reasoning, details, explanations, and generalizations that fully explains the topic.
Develops ideas by using supporting background information
Giving examples, reasoning, details, explanations, and generalizations that fully explain the topic.
Generally uses accurate evidence and details to support the topic.  Develops ideas with satisfactory examples, explanations, and generalizations.Uses some accurate data.  Demonstrates weakness in development of ideas with little supporting evidence, examples and generalizations.Shows limited understanding of the task.  Vaguely refers to or fails to use the documents or supporting evidence, examples, or generalizations.
Uses transition words between paragraphs. Uses an enticing opening paragraph, transition words, and insightful closing paragraph.Uses opening paragraph, transition words, and insightful closing paragraph.Uses most aspects of the assigned format to develop the essay.Attempts to organize the essay but, uses few aspects of the assigned format.Uses no aspects of the assigned format and does not attempt to organize the essay in any logical way.
Consistently expresses ideas clearly and uses vivid language to write an exciting essayFrequently expresses ideas clearly, using vivid language appropriately.Generally expresses ideas clearly with some vivid language.Expresses some ideas clearly with no attempt to use vivid language.Does not express ideas clearly.
Makes few, if an, mistakes in spelling, writing, mechanics, punctuation, or grammar.Some mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Errors do not interferer with the understanding of the essay.
Errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and mechanics occur, which makes the essay unclear.Errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and mechanics are frequent make the essay unclear and difficult to understand.Errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and mechanics make the essay very difficult to read and understand.
